We may need to remain physically distanced for now, but we certainly don’t need to be socially distanced – in fact, this is among the worst recommendations we’ve heard in our time.

The more we can do to connect with each other to share ideas, activities and challenges, the better we will be in maintaining some level of normalcy, remaining an active part of our networks and getting people to engage with us (at a distance) for mutual benefit.

While the pandemic has scattered us like sticks in the wind to all corners of the country, we’re extremely fortunate that this enforced separation is countered by the technology to keep us talking and transacting. We can still get together in virtual rooms, run presentations, share ideas and developments, and buy and sell digital and physical products .

These extraordinary times have given us the chance to call on our powers of creative thinking, to solve problems laterally, build agility and flexibility, demonstrate organisational leadership and deliver meaningful experiences for people.

We’re helping marketing and communications teams – among them schools, wineries, bakeries, councils and social communities – to do this right now, to ensure they can stay connected and continue to build their unique brand story.

We’re meeting online, working on collaborative platforms with entirely digital workflows, and getting people together to discuss, ideate, debate and reason in much the same way as we’ve always done. Just from seats in different rooms. It’s proving efficient, effective, and above all it’s helping maintain reason and purpose for all involved.

  • Creative and communications strategy: Developing the ‘roadmaps’ to help organisations navigate the next 6-12 months effectively and successfully, with us alongside as you need.
  • Quick-launch minisites: robust websites offering a mix of pertinent information and transactional capabilities for businesses who suddenly can’t engage physically with their customers.
  • Mini portals and intranet sites: small-form private networks for organisations and their audiences needing to share and discuss information in a secure and private environment (school portals, commercial intranets and the like).
  • Virtual planning and discovery sessions: Group planning and ideation sessions to work through ways to engage, unpack and organise communication priorities. We can plan, facilitate, lead, report and recommend.
  • Newsletters and promotional tools: Ways to reach targeted audiences quickly with information appropriate to them.
  • Organisational reporting: Designing, writing and preparing the various types of reports and presentations required of companies.
  • Brand reviews and framework planning: Taking this period to see the landscape in a brand context: identify what must change, what could change and what can be introduced to be relevant and effective in the coming months and years. Building robust communications strategies, flexible and relevant messaging frameworks and aligning brand more closely with people.

We’re here to help you communicate with those that matter to you. Let’s build stronger communities while physically distanced.

Stay well, stay connected.

The Scribble & Think team.

1800 778 994

Email us.